Letter sent to Washington State Congressional delegation on May 8:
We are Washington residents and Washington organizations joining with Washington Freedom to Boycott because of our grave concerns about the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, S. 720 and H.R. 1697. These bills are part of a concerted campaign to suppress criticism of Israeli policies and to condemn the grassroots Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement. Even in their amended forms, these bills would have a chilling impact and possible serious consequences for our freedoms of speech and action. Whatever your views on Israel, Palestine, or the BDS movement, we urge you not to support or vote for any anti-boycott measure that threatens our right to take collective action against injustice. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that boycotts are a form of expression protected by the First Amendment. From the boycott of British tea in 1773 to the boycott of segregated buses in 1956 and beyond, boycott campaigns have a long and proud history in social justice and civil rights movements in the U.S. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is a grassroots campaign to gain equal rights for Palestinians and to pressure Israel to abide by international humanitarian law. While BDS is modeled after the South African boycott and thus calls for broad boycotts against Israeli institutions, nothing in it calls for discrimination against individuals solely because of their national origin, religion, or ethnicity. S. 720 seeks to prohibit boycotts called by foreign governments or government entities. BDS is not a governmental entity. It is a call to action issued by a group of individuals and civilian associations. However, S.720 specifically defines the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHCR) as a governmental organization. As a result, anyone who boycotts any of the Israeli products the UNHCR has listed could be subject to the penalties delineated in the 1979 Export Administration Act as referenced by S. 720. Despite arguments to the contrary, S. 720 and H.R. 1697 can be used to target individuals. Their terminology of “domestic concern” can be interpreted to mean a corporation, a church, a sole proprietorship, or even an individual participating in an organization. Although the amended version of S. 720 has removed the possibility of a prison sentence, the bill still threatens a fine for noncompliance and therefore unconstitutionally threatens protected boycott actions. These anti-boycott measures are not standing up to legal and other scrutiny. In Dickinson, Texas, the City Council had to reverse its position on aid to individual hurricane victims after a national outcry about how a Texas anti-BDS law was being applied. The ACLU has mounted lawsuits on behalf of a Kansas teacher and an Arizona lawyer who have been negatively impacted by anti-BDS legislation in their respective states. On January 30, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the Kansas anti-BDS law that calls for contractors to certify that they are not engaged in boycotting Israel, saying that “the Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment protects the right to participate in a boycott like the one punished by the Kansas law.” Brian Hauss, ACLU attorney, stated, “The court has rightly recognized the serious First Amendment harms being inflicted by this misguided law...This ruling should serve as a warning to government officials around the country that the First Amendment prohibits the government from suppressing participation in political boycotts.” We ask that you refuse to sign, sponsor, endorse or vote for any form of anti-BDS or anti-boycott legislation. Please stand firm in support of our constitutional rights and freedoms. Respectfully, Washington Freedom to Boycott Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites Council on American-Islamic Relations of Washington State (CAIR) Episcopal Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Diocese of Olympia) Evergreen Students for Justice in Palestine Freedom Socialist Party International Trauma Treatment Program Jewish Voice for Peace – Seattle Jewish Voice for Peace - Tacoma Kairos Puget Sound Coalition Northwest Detention Center Resistance Northwest Regional BDS Coalition Occupation Free Seattle Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace Pacific Rim Solidarity Network (PARISOL) Palestine Solidarity Committee - Seattle Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane Peace Justice and Healing - Tacoma Race & Climate Justice – Seattle Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice Radical Women Rising Tide - Seattle Seattle Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (Seattle CISPES) Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC) Stop Veolia – Seattle Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Antioch University – Seattle Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights - University of Washington (SUPER-UW) United for Peace of Pierce County Vancouver for Peace Veterans for Peace - Greater Seattle Chapter 92 Veterans for Peace – Rachel Corrie Chapter 109 Voices for Palestine Washington Fair Trade Coalition Whatcom Human Rights Task Force Whatcom Peace and Justice Center Comments are closed.
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May 2024