(Submitted by Ray Engle)
I am personally concerned about the power of the one percent vs. the power of the people and the invasion of privacy that has crept into our society under the guise of National Security. We need to change the composition of the Supreme Court in order to guarantee our Constitutional rights. I started a petition to Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama. SCOTUS has consistently ruled to put corporate rights before citizen rights. These rulings have subverted the very principles of our democracy: one person, one vote. We must change the consistency of the court to defend our constitutional rights, not subvert them. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/impeach-the-supreme-court-4 ( Janet's note - A fantastic legal resource on how SCOTUS rulings impact the long term - SCOTUS blog, For instance, thorough coverage of the Hobby Lobby ruling. ) Comments are closed.
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May 2024